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Collection of articles and guides on geofences and how to manage them.

The Perspio geofencing service monitors any location enabled device to determine if it’s most recent position falls within a pre-configured virtual boundary - a geofence. If an asset’s location falls inside or outside of a geofence across two consecutive location updates, a Entry event or Exit event is generated.

These events can be used to:

  • Create workflows to trigger a growing list of actions when they occur

  • Provide insights relating to the geofence

    • Assets that are currently in the geofence

    • Average time spent in geofence

    • Unique assets to interact with the geofence

    • Total entry/exit events of a geofence

    • Most number of assets in the geofence

  • Provide insights relating to an asset

    • How much time spend in geofence

    • Average time spent in geofence

    • Unique geofences entered

There are three geofence objects within Perspio:

  1. Custom geofences - created by end-users

  2. Toll geofences - system managed

  3. KML - uploaded by end-users

Example geofence use cases:

  • Some geofences are set up purely to monitor activity, providing insights into an assets movements

  • High-risk geofences can be set up to trigger an alarm workflow if unauthorised assets enter

  • Geofences can be set up across a distributed branch network to monitor stock levels at each location

  • Geofences can be used at customer sites to assist with pre-delivery notifications

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